Monday, September 22, 2008

A heck tick Weekend

This week we just got done picking black berries and now on to red berries. On Thursday we went to the bluff which is close to Oscarville, Napas, and Napakiak. we picked for like 5 or 4 hours and got like about 2 gallons. Then on Friday we went to the bluffs again around ten and came back at 12, then went there again because my mom was working at the school. Well we went there around 5 and then came back around 9 or 10 or somewhere around that time. Then Saterday we went to go pick some more black berry in Bethel and at the same time went to go get my sister, and pick some berries at Kasiuli or near kasliuli or how ever they spell. and we picked for like 5 or 6 hours. So yea and then yesterday i did dishes and i guess that was just about it. That was my heck tick weekend. Very tiering and yeah.

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